Poor Formatting and Structure

The use of AI in legal dispute resolution, like DisputePal's services, can make legal processes more efficient and accessible. However, there are some issues with AI-generated legal documents, especially in how they're formatted and structured. Let's look at these problems and how we might solve them.

What's AI Doing in Legal Dispute Resolution?

AI tools, including those used by DisputePal, use machine learning to analyse data and create legal documents like letters before action. The goal is to make legal help more affordable and easier for people and businesses to use.

Problems with Formatting and Structure

1. Keeping Things Consistent

Issue: It's hard for AI to consistently follow the standard formats and structures used in legal documents. These documents often need specific layouts, headings, and content arrangements.

Solution: We can train AI systems using lots of good legal documents. This training should include different templates and formats. It's also important for humans to check and fix the AI-generated documents to make sure they're up to scratch.

2. Understanding the Big Picture

Issue: AI tools might not fully get the context of a dispute, which can lead to mistakes in how the documents are formatted and structured. For example, an AI might not understand the specific rules of a particular legal system.

Solution: We can improve the AI's understanding by using more varied training data that covers different scenarios and legal systems. Getting feedback from legal experts and regularly updating the AI to include new information can also help.

3. Making It Personal

Issue: While AI can create documents quickly, making each one fit the specific needs of a case can be tricky. A one-size-fits-all approach often doesn't work because legal disputes are usually unique.

Solution: We can design AI systems to gather detailed information about the dispute from users. For instance, DisputePal asks users specific questions about their dispute, and the AI uses this info to create a personalised letter before action.

4. Following Legal Rules

Issue: Legal documents need to follow various rules and standards. AI-generated documents might accidentally leave out important parts or not follow specific legal requirements, which could make the document useless.

Solution: We need to thoroughly test and check AI-generated documents against legal standards. Working with legal experts to review the documents is crucial. We should also update AI systems regularly to keep up with changes in legal requirements.

5. Being Clear and Explainable

Issue: It might not be clear how AI-generated documents were created, which can be a problem in legal situations where understanding the reasoning behind a document is important.

Solution: AI systems should explain clearly how they created the documents. This could include records showing what data was used and how decisions were made. Having human mediators or legal experts review the documents can also help ensure they meet legal standards and provide extra context if needed.

Best Ways to Improve Formatting and Structure

1. Use Good Training Data

The quality of the data used to train the AI is really important. AI systems should learn from a wide range of different legal documents to help them recognise and copy the right formatting and structure.

2. Have Humans Check the Work

It's essential for humans to check AI-generated documents to make sure they meet legal standards. Legal experts should review the documents to fix any mistakes in formatting or structure and add extra information where needed.

3. Keep Making It Better

AI systems should be updated regularly based on feedback from users and new developments in legal practices. This helps ensure the AI stays effective and follows changing legal requirements.

4. Get Input from Users and Customise

AI systems should be designed to gather detailed information from users to create personalised documents. This approach helps make sure the documents are relevant and effective for each specific case.

5. Be Clear and Explain Things

AI systems should clearly explain how they created the documents. This includes keeping records and using other methods to make sure people can trust the AI-generated documents.

Real-Life Examples

1. How DisputePal Does It

DisputePal's system creates personalised letters before action based on information from users. The AI looks at the specific situation and creates a legally sound letter that has the best chance of getting a good result. This approach makes sure the document fits the unique details of the dispute.

2. AI in Mediation

In AI-assisted mediation, tools like ChatGPT have been used to help human mediators solve disputes. For example, in a contract dispute, ChatGPT suggested a settlement amount, which encouraged the parties to negotiate and eventually agree on a solution that worked for both of them. This shows how AI can help resolve disputes, but also highlights the need for human oversight to keep the process fair and effective.

Wrapping Up

Using AI to create legal documents, like letters before action, can make things more efficient and accessible. However, we need to address the challenges with formatting and structure to make sure these documents work well and follow legal standards. By focusing on good practices like using high-quality training data, having humans check the work, constantly improving, getting input from users, and being clear about how things are done, AI-powered services like DisputePal can overcome these challenges and provide valuable help in solving legal disputes.

What's Next?

As AI technology gets better, we'll likely see more advanced tools that can handle complex legal tasks more accurately. However, it's crucial that these improvements are balanced with thorough testing and checking to make sure AI-generated documents meet the highest legal standards.